Matthew Corwin

Head Coach / Offensive Coordinator
Brief info

Name: Matt
Alter: 35
Position: Offensive Coordinator

Why American football?

It is a welcoming sport in which anyone can play regardless of height, weight, or athletic ability. Each player has a place on the team as long as he (or she) is willing to work for it. Football is the only sport I know where you can hit each other for an hour and still shake hands at the end.

Why the Newtown Lions?

I see tremendous potential here. We have a passionate support staff, tremendous resources, and a great core group of players who enjoy putting in work. This is reflected from our visionaries to the players, our training assistance, and those who invest their time in non-football activities. We truly are one big family

How long are you with the Team?

Since 2019


Tuttlinger Str. 67/1,78579 Neuhausen ob Eck


Tackle Football:Dienstag: 19 - 21 UhrDonnerstag: 19 - 21 UhrFlag Football:Mittwoch: 18:00 - 19:00 Uhr


Stockacher Straße 9,78579 Neuhausen ob Eck

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